Kids Included Together (KIT) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in San Diego, CA in 1997. KIT envisions a world where inclusion is the norm, not the exception because children with disabilities, complex needs or challenging behaviors have the right to meaningfully participate in their communities.

The lives of ALL children are enhanced through shared experiences and friendships with peers who may or may not have disabilities. In addition, inclusive practices foster self-determination for children with disabilities. In support of a more inclusive world, KIT teaches inclusive practices to individuals and organizations who serve children to change their attitudes and practices. KIT training breaks down barriers to inclusion and builds confidence in serving ALL children.

Learning about inclusion enriches the lives of ALL who participate and increases understanding and acceptance of disabilities as a natural part of life. KIT provides best-in-class inclusion training on-site and online through KIT Academy. KIT also provides observations, consultations and recommendations to ensure organizations are confident in serving ALL children, regardless of ability.

Go to our website at KIT.org to learn more about KIT and our services.

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Disability Inclusion Checklist


Inclusive Program Goals


Understanding the Kids Included Together (KIT) Support Pyramid (tip sheet) 


Behvior Support: Breathing Techniques (Video)


How to Have an Inclusive Prom


Disability Inclusion Booklets:

  1. What Is Inclusion?
  2. Understanding the Laws Supporting Inclusion 
  3. The Critical Need for Training on Inclusion

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